Meet the Singers: Our River Stories 5 – Linda Corrie

Our River Stories: Linda Corrie

Our River Stories: My father – “it was in his blood” they said; ships, going to sea following in the footsteps of his father, grandfather and great grandfather.  It started in Bermondsey when his great grandfather Alfred Henry Major, a steam boat man, had a son of the same name. He went to sea and settled in South Shields, marrying a local girl Ada.  Following their marriage and just prior to the birth of their son (again of the same name), the newly wed sadly passed away just before his son was born.  Ada remarried, moving to the Port of Blyth. Young Alfred Henry Major took the surname of his stepfather Mr Gordon.

Alfred Henry Gordon, my grandfather, again following in footsteps of his forefathers, became Chief Deck Officer with the Merchant Navy. He married Ethel, and they made their home in Whitley Bay. That was where my father, yes Alfred Henry Gordon (Harry) affectionately known as “Boyo” was born.
My father served his apprenticeship at Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Company, and studied at evening classes to qualify as a Chartered Mechanical Engineer.  Whilst completing the apprenticeship he met my mother who was doing her bit for the war effort welding in the shipyards. The sea was certainly in his blood and my father was accepted into the Merchant Navy at the age of 22 as 5th Engineer, rising to Chief Engineer by the age of 30. My childhood was filled with fabulous tales of life at sea and experiences visiting ship engine rooms. The sea skipped a generation with me as far as work is concerned. However now my son carries on the connection as a Mechanical Engineer designing bearings for ship engines. And me? My own place of work is based on Blyth Riverside where I appreciate the wonderful sight and sounds of river life, and of the ships entering and departing the river. Perhaps it really is ‘in the blood’.”

Great stories Linda! Thanks so much for sharing!

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