Our People Stories: Terry Dunsford
The Toon Improvement Bill has been the cause of much amusement this term with Peter Berrie giving us his unique and detailed insight into the history behind the song. Terry Dunsford has bravely let us share her poignant story connected to the bill…
“Our People Stories: Although I love this amusing song and lyrics, the compulsory purchase of land as a result of this bill had a tragic impact on my past family.
My great grandfather owned land and kept horses as part of his haulage business in the Benwell area, when it was all mostly farm land. As a result of the bill he lost more and more land until he could no longer keep his beloved horses. He suffered a deep depression and committed suicide shortly after the last piece of land was taken.
It’s not something that was talked about for many years due to the shame that was associated with suicide. The terrace houses of Benwell sprung up as a result of the compulsory purchase.
So although I do love the song, I’m mindful of the impact it had more broadly.”
Wow. Terry, this one certainly stopped us in our tracks.
Thanks so much for sharing such a moving but important story with us.