Meet the Singers: Our River Stories 6 – Terry Dunsford

Our River Stories: Terry Dunsford

Our River Stories: I used to work in a community mental health team in Walker, and when the ship yards were finally closing we were inundated with referrals for anxious, stressed men, often experiencing panic attacks for the first time and resulting depression.

As you know men rarely talk about their feelings but it struck me they had such common needs, it would help to get them together to begin to learn how to manage their symptoms and get over the massive loss of role and self esteem they all shared”.

“Gradually this group took off and they eventually grew in numbers and ran themselves, supporting each other, sharing examples of what worked, relaxation techniques and activities they found helpful. Their stigma reduced and they began to deal with the loss better and consider what the future might hold for each of them.

I know it’s not a family story, but it’s one which highlights where it left those proud men when the ship yards closed and heavy industry seemed to be destroyed”.


Wow Terry! These guys WERE your family, and we’re proud to tell your story.

Thanks so much for sharing!


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